The readily available version of the characters can be obtained by simply moving the cursor to the specific character and pressing any button.

All these characters have distinct abilities and weaknesses, providing a different experience when you either use them of face them. Hawk, an American indian versed in wrestling and Cammy, a British special force agent with fast attacks and walking speed. Four more characters had been added in SSF2 and are still available in ST/X: Fei Long, a Bruce Lee clone with great speed and combos Dee Jay, a Jamaican musician and fighter T. Bison/Japanese Vega, a fast fighter with special powers and dangerous combos. Bison, a former heavy weight boxing champion US Vega/Japanese Balrog, a Spanish torero that fights with a hand claw Sagat, the boss from the original Street Fighter, a Muay Thai champion that can summon fast projectiles and US M. The four bosses from the original game are also available: US Balrog/Japanese M. Honda, a sumo practitioner with very damaging attacks, but poor mobility Chun Li, a Wushu practitioner with fast attacks and movement, and particularly good aerial attacks Blanka, a savage half man half monster fighter from Brazil with electrical powers Zangief, a Russian wrestler with slow speed but very damaging long-range throws Guile, a US military worked in hand-to-hand combat and Dhalsim, a yoga practitioner from India who can breath fire and stretch his limbs to attack from a distance. Street Fighter II allowed 6 more characters to be used, which were E. Their gameplay revolves around their special projectiles, the Hadouken, and their (originally) invincible anti-air move, the Shoryuken. Two of these are the original playable characters from Street Fighter: Ryu, the game's protagonist, who is a Japanese karate practitioner, and his friend Ken, another karate practitioner, who used to be a clone but since CE earned a few distinct special and normal moves. Super Street Fighter II X/Turbo allows you to choose among 16 readily available characters. General What does the roster look like? The Characters